My values

  • Persistence on finding solution. I keep trying until I understand the problem and have potential solution.
  • Attention to detail. I try to make sure I have all the details before starting the work, it also allows me to highlight potential issues.
  • Focus on communication. Communication is key in agile software development, planning and finding best way to solve the problem together with a team is important.
  • Open source supporter. Sometimes my investigation leads me to finding an issue with external library, I am willing to go extra mile and devise a fix for it (for example this issue with angular material library).
  • Follower of SOLID principles. While developing I always try to follow design patterns and principles such as SOLID, composition over inheritance, DRY and other clean code principles.
  • Focus on efficiency and simplicity. I always try to keep my designs simple and easy to understand through proper naming, keeping methods and classes small and having appropriately named tests.
  • Focus on adherence to standards. When developing I often base my decisons on standards, for example rfc2616 and REST principles.